We are so glad you are giving us the opportunity to put the pieces of your story together and create your best plan for greater health. Through our variety of abilities across Chiropractic, Integrative, and Functional Health Care we are here to improve your well being!
On this page you will find links to all the important information we need to give you the best assistance possible.
If you can, please fill it all out and bring to the office at your first visit along with a picture ID.
What The First Visit Might Include
When You Arrive...
Upon entering the office, we will get your paperwork. You can download it below, or we have copies available in office. The paperwork provides us with information about yourself and your condition.
Once the paperwork has been processed, you will have a consultation with the doctor to discuss your health-related problems and concerns, along with possible treatment options to get you feeling better.
In order to complete the picture of what your health challenges are, Dr. Beth will ask you various questions related to your condition. Then a number of specialized tests will be performed to determine which body areas are affected and to what extent.
Your specific condition may require us to take x-rays to either rule out more serious conditions or assist us in developing the most effective treatment plan for you. We are equipped to take these on site so no need for an extra appointment at another location to get this done. We want the most information possible to give you the best options and having the ability to do this on-site helps us help you faster!
After your first visit is completed, you will be given a convenient appointment time for your follow-up visit. Generally speaking, our client family is seen within 1-2 days after their initial visit so we can provide you with a complete review of what we found and what can be done to start your path to better health and well-being.
Costs and Insurance
We are unable to take Conventional, Medicaid, or VA Insurance at this time.
Our treatment schedule pricing varies as we create a specific plan with no more or no less than what is needed to accomplish getting your quality of life improved.
We understand that budgets can differ from household to household and do not feel anyone should be unable to receive care based upon that - in this spirit we try to work with you on payment plans and group rates for whole family packages.
Your Story
The link below will take you to our new client information packet. Inside it you will find a lot of different questions. This isn't your typically asked questions when starting at a new office - it goes much deeper. These questions help us narrow down your specific needs so that Dr. Beth can make a precise plan of action to get you on the road to better health without delay.
If you have sought us out due to suspected injury or pain following an accident, please contact the office so we may discuss further options available to you.
It's All About You!
The link below will take you to our new client information packet. Inside it you will find a lot of different questions. This isn't your typical intake paperwork when starting at a new office - it goes much deeper. These questions help us narrow down your specific needs so that Dr. Beth can make a precise plan of action to get you on the road to better health without delay.
If you have sought us out due to suspected injury or pain following an accident (motor vehicle, on the job, etc.), please contact the office so we may discuss further options available to you.
Contact Us
Have Questions?
​Our Staff Family would love to answer them.
Call or email us today!
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